Carrie Bradshaw once said “It’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes — that’s why you sometimes need really special shoes!” Single or not, ladies don’t want to give up their favourite pair of strappy sandals or those little black heels that match your little black dress.
Why your shoes are killing your feet and back…
But when our feet start to ache, how can you ensure you will still be able to wear your favourite pair of shoes pain free?
Often it’s the shoes we love so much that are causing the pain. Our Chiropractors can help patients who suffer from foot pain with their custom orthotics and treatments. Treatments can include shockwave, Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy, IFC, icing and at home exercise including golf ball grinding.
The team at the centre can help figure out exactly what is causing the pain and how best to treat it.
Heels and other uncomfortable shoes can often lead to Plantar Fascilitis or lower back pain.
The result is pain that leaves the muscles and joints feeling tender and tight in the Quadratus lumoburm muscles.
Many women choose to wear their heels while they walk to work which can add even more pressure to the feet, legs and hip muscles and cause serious damage to the spine.
Nottinghill Family Wellness Centre can fit you with running shoes that can get you to work so you can change into your favourite pair of heels for when you are sitting at your desk.
A pair of orthotics can help relieve this pain by allowing the feet to sit firmly planted on the ground and properly cushioned.
Foot orthoses comprise a specially fitted insert that help distribute pressure or realign foot joints while standing, walking or running.
Orthotics are created using a Dynamic Gait Scan and a Static Impression.
This gives a better understanding of how you step indicating whether your feet are straight when you walk, whether you favour a particular side of your foot and how your foot lands on the ground.
The information from the Dynamic Gait Scan is transferred to a computer screen so you can see the exact strong and weak points of your foot and get a true impression of how you walk.
Once the condition of the foot is understood, a moulding is taken and an orthotic insert created to realign the foot. This helps patients walk straighter, taller and allows their feet to land in the proper place every time.
You never have to give up what you love most….after all as Ms. Bradshaw would say it is a woman’s right to shoes!
To learn more about orthotics or to arrange a consultation visit the Nottinghill Family Health Centre at 1131 Nottinghill Gate Oakville or phone 905-827-4197