Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – TOS
If you are experiencing pain or tingling in your arm and hand, a weakening grip and neck pain, you may be suffering from Thoracic Outlet Syndrome! Our Oakville chiropractor can diagnose and treat your symptoms and get you back to the activities you love pain-free! TOS sucks, get in now before its too late!
Anatomy of Thoracic Outlet
What is Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – TOS
The thoracic outlet is the area between your neck and shoulder, underneath your collarbone. This is a very important area where the nerves, arteries and veins that supply your entire arm and hand pass through. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome occurs if the nerves, arteries or veins are compressed in this region. This can occur due to repetitive strain on the arms or neck, anatomical anomalies (like an extra rib), poor posture or pregnancy.
Symptoms of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome can include pain, numbness and/or tingling in the fingers. Muscle weakness in the arm or hand, or pain in the neck are also symptoms of this condition. If the cause is vascular, then it is possible to experience cold hands/fingers or even a bluish or pale appearance to the skin of the hands and fingers!
Too many times in our Oakville Chiropractic Clinic we see patients who have mis-diagnosed with a rotator cuff tear, neck nerve being pinched or even a blood based arthritic disease. If you think you might have TOS and you are in the Oakville area, get in now, get the diagnosis you need. Every minute counts when you are dealing with compression of nerves. Do not wait until its too late!
Thoracic Outlet Treatment Oakville – Shockwave Therapy
Our Oakville chiropractors treat all kinds of neck and shoulder injuries. TOS is one of the more complicated injuries they deal with as their could be a component of the injury coming from the patients spine, muscles, first rib, shoulder and more. Our thoracic outlet treating team in Oakville has had some patients with subluxated ribs that mimicked TOS!
Treatment for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome for most patients usually involve IFC, Heat, Chiropractic Manipulation of the patients cervical spine, thoracic spine and first rib. ART and Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Therapy is also used in most cases to free up the tight muscle and break up the scar tissue and knots. In severe cases our doctors use shockwave therapy treatment to further the destruction of the adhesions and scar tissue causing the patients pain!
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