Our Oakville chiropractors always recommend that stretching be a part of your daily routine and exercise regiment, especially for treatment of low back pain in Oakville.
If we have texted you these stretches, don’t get all worked up at how many there are or how long they will take, this is our go to inventory of stretches that help all types of low back pain. First things first, download the PDF and focus on one page of stretches per day, perform each page 1 times per week, stretch for 3 days each week for 10 minutes and in no time you will notice an improvement! Once you get the hang of the stretches do the the ones that are the hardest 4 to 5 times a week. If you can make time for tic toc and Instagram you can make time for stretching.
Stretching helps to improve flexibility and keep the body moving as efficiently and effectively as possible. Not only do tight muscles feel terrible, but they can have a major negative impact on other muscles they connect to and joints they cross. Our chiropractor use a combination of hands on treatment and at home exercises to help treat their Oakville patients with back pain.
Stretching may not be the most exciting part of an exercise routine, but when it comes to treatment for low back pain, your body will thank you for it! These Oakville chiropractor-approved stretches for the lower back, glutes and other muscles that attach around the pelvis will help keep your muscles long and your body pain-free!
More low back stretches can be found here!
The stretching should be a little bit uncomfortable, but never painful. Stretching is safe before and after a work out, but if you plan to do some heavy lifting it is best to leave stretching to the end. If you’re wondering if these stretches are right for you, book an appointment with one of our chiropractors to find out.
Our Oakville Chiropractic Clinic takes pride in helping our patients with pain and giving them a preventative program to ensure future success. These exercises were hand picked by one of the best chiropractors in Oakville. Download them to your phone and start them today !
Oakville Chiropractic Stretches
Be sure to follow these chiropractor approved exercises and stretches our chiropractors recommend to keep your lower back strong and prevent pain.
Are you experiencing lower back pain or discomfort ? If you would like to seek professional help please contact our chiropractic clinic directly at 905-827-4197